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A selection of members' work with brief excerpts from each artist's statement.Please look at our Members' page which will give more information about our artists.

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David turner, OBE, St Cyrus Portrait
David turner, OBE, St Cyrus Portrait
Portraiture is a new departure for this accomplished painter. David brings his accute 'eye' and practised techniques to this new genre.
David Turner OBE, Harbour
David Turner OBE, Harbour
Drawing and painting have always been a part of David's life and he describes his biggest frustration as the lack of time to do more. Following a distinguished career in the army, David is now Director of The Burn, Edzell.
French Mill
French Mill
In this early watercolour Lesley captures the essence of rural France, completed whilst on holiday.
Lesley Adamson, Rosehips
Lesley Adamson, Rosehips
In this charming watercolour, Lesley has succeeded in capturing the light on the bright red berries.
David Turner OBE, Mary and Joseph
David Turner OBE, Mary and Joseph
As a child David once had a painting of an elephant exhibited in the studio of BBC's Animal Magic programme hosted by Johnny Morris and he continues to enjoy painting animals and wildlife today.
Adela Crone B.Des, Colour Burst
Adela Crone B.Des, Colour Burst
Adela works in a variety of media including watercolour, acrylic and mixed media.
Margaret-Anne Mackie, Heilan'Coo
Margaret-Anne Mackie, Heilan'Coo
Margaret-Anne was born and brought up in Laurencekirk and has what she describes as a real attachment to the local area.
Adela Crone B.Des, For Me?
Adela Crone B.Des, For Me?
Adela's work suggests secret garden which exists in my mind as a whimsical place where she can escape the everyday world.
Nancy Galashan, Sea and Shoreline
Nancy Galashan, Sea and Shoreline
Nancy started painting in the 70s but work and family left no time to develop her interest till she retired to Laurencekirk.
Cathy Reid M Des RCA,  The Sleeping
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, The Sleeping
In this work in acrylic Cathy has portrayed the sleeping owl as a dark and sinister creature, waiting to pounce.
Hilda Findlay, Winter Walk
Hilda Findlay, Winter Walk
Here Hilda recreates the bitter cold of a North-East Winter's day in this atmospheric tonal work - one which stands in stark contrast to her intensely colourful flower study which she exhibits in this year's exhibition.
Hilda Findlay, Landscape
Hilda Findlay, Landscape
Hilda has spent much of her life abroad On returning to the land of her birth, Hilda combines her twin passions - gardening and painting - in her colourful flower studies.
Ann Morphy, Rooftops at St Monans
Ann Morphy, Rooftops at St Monans
Ann describes the instant inspiration she feels for the vast skies over this coastline, the clouds and the unspoiled countryside.
David E Johnston RSW Summer Showers across the Howe
David E Johnston RSW Summer Showers across the Howe
David paints Mearns landscapes and seascapes and works almost exclusively in watercolour. He describes his paintings as the result of a process of observation & reflection with the aim of getting as close as possible to the original experience of being in the landscape or shoreline.
Susie Smith, St Cyrus Cliffs
Susie Smith, St Cyrus Cliffs
Susie is inspired by the beauty of the natural world and many of her paintings are located in the local landscape near her home in Edzell.
David E Johnston RSW Winter Furrows
David E Johnston RSW Winter Furrows
David believes that a lifetime of painting is to be found within a few miles of his home in Laurencekirk. He was elected to the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour in 2018. You can see more of his work at www.mearnsartist.com
Susie Smith, The Bay, Catterline
Susie Smith, The Bay, Catterline
Susie's artwork depicts mainly the Scottish landscape and seascape.
Susie Smith, Landscape near Edzell
Susie Smith, Landscape near Edzell
Susie works mostly in watercolour and pastels but also enjoys drawing.
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Sheep in Winter
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Sheep in Winter
Cathy has drawn and painted from a very young age. Her career path took her to the Royal College of Art where she studied Fashion Design. Cathy travelled widely before settling in Laurencekirk.
Kathleen Murray, Puffins
Kathleen Murray, Puffins
Following her retiral from teaching, Kathleen has renewed her interest in art. She now paints regularly. Working in both watercolour and acrylics, she enjoys painting a range of subjects.
Adela Crone, Landscape with Woods
Adela Crone, Landscape with Woods
Purple shadows dominate this watercolour - a representational work, in contrast to Adela's more abstract, decorative style.
Susie Smith, Italian Washing Line
Susie Smith, Italian Washing Line
Painting in Italy during a recent painting holiday, Susie has chosen a deceptively 'ordinary' subject to reveal the quality of her subtle but colourful composition.
Ann Morphy, October Afternoon, Montrose
Ann Morphy, October Afternoon, Montrose
Ann captures this difficult subject: strong tonal contrasts add to the choice of viewpoint to create a painting which goes well beyond the 'photographic' to capture the light of an afternoon in Autumn.
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Red Grouse
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Red Grouse
A beautiful recreation of a familiar subject...wildlife portrait and landscape combine in this successful acrylic.
Ann Morphy,Montrose Basin
Ann Morphy,Montrose Basin
The title describes the location while the painting captures the essence. A strong sense of place in one of Ann's finest works
Kathleen Murray, Nasturtiums
Kathleen Murray, Nasturtiums
Colour and texture combine in this deceptively simple work which attempts to capture the essence of these delicate flowers.
Lesley Adamson, Seeds,Pods and Grasses
Lesley Adamson, Seeds,Pods and Grasses
Inspired by a card, this tangle of stems and patterns was drawn in pencil and ink.
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Hare
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Hare
In this work Cathy has captured not only the appearance but the essential character of the hare.
Margaret -  Anne Mackie, The Bilabong
Margaret - Anne Mackie, The Bilabong
A welcome sight in an arid spot. Margaret-Anne treats an unusual subject with confidence. very different in quality from the delicate approach she adopts in her flower paintings.
Ann Morphy, The Bright Field
Ann Morphy, The Bright Field
A classic Ann Morphy work. Strong design and stunning colour in this classic Angus landscape.
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Big Horned Ram
Cathy Reid M Des RCA, Big Horned Ram
An amazing portrait by a very accomplished artist. Cathy describes her passion for colour as the source of the life in her work. Cathy explores a wide range of subjects and paints wherever the mood takes her.

Gaye Thornton-Kemsley, Winter Storm, Catterline
Gaye Thornton-Kemsley, Winter Storm, Catterline
Gaye captures the power of this North Sea Storm in this fine watercolour.
Cathy Reid M Des RCA , King of the Hill
Cathy Reid M Des RCA , King of the Hill
A 'paired down' treatment of a popular subject from a versatile artist.
Judith Scurfield Wells, Autumn Avenue
Judith Scurfield Wells, Autumn Avenue
Judith captures the change of season beautifully in this watercolour and manages to draw the viewer into the scene.
Judith Scurfield Wells , Warren’s Woodshed
Judith Scurfield Wells , Warren’s Woodshed
In this rural scene, painted delicately in watercolours, the artist has beautifully captured the shadows and sweeping curve of the road.

More images are regularly uploaded to our Members' Gallery. Please visit again soon!

Please also check our Monthly Challenge page too for recent updates. 


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